Monday 5 September 2011

What to Look in E-Cig Kits

In principal E-Cig is very less harmful with only the flavor, nicotine and water involvement. However, due to many imposters working in the industry to make quick bucks, there are many varieties of E-Cig kits available in the market. This situation makes it necessary for the smoker to understand the kits and what needs to be checked in each component to make sure the right stuff is purchased and money is spent well.

To start E-Cig smoking, which people claim is ‘vaporing’ rather than smoking as the smoker inhaled the vapors not the smoke, one needs to have a startup electronic cigarette kit. Kit comprises of a mouth piece, cartridges and a battery or charger. Mouthpiece contains a component called atomizer or vaporizer, whose job is to heat up the content of another component to be fitted in the mouthpiece called cartridge. Cartridge actually contains the nicotine in liquid form (diluted) and flavor contents. Role of battery is very important, as it provides the power to the atomizer to make the heating up process possible. Battery or charger and Atomizer are purchased only once and need replacement after very long time. However, cartridges are needed to be purchased frequently, depending on the consumption rate of the e-smoker. Cartridges are usually available in a pack of 5 or 10,  and are available in many brands tasting like normal cigarette brands. Furthermore, electronic cigarettes are also available in innovative and unique flavors like grape, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, etc. 

Kits are easily available from many outlets and markets, but it is mandatory to identify the shops which are selling the right quality kits and cartridges. Otherwise instead of getting benefits from E-Cig smoking there is a chance of facing more health issues. Also for the people who switch to E-Cig so that they can quit it in near future, a proper kit that ensure only desired amount of nicotine is allowed to be inhaled by the smoker is mandatory. There is no need to ponder the fact that better the quality of E-Cig is, better will be its results on whole smoking experience. In inferior quality E-Cig, the material of the mouthpiece is not designed carefully, so it also heats when atomizer heat it up. This in turn makes keeping the mouthpiece in hand very inconvenient. Similarly, if atomizer does not heat up the contents of cartridges, then getting the expected nicotine quantity is not possible. Finally, the most important part is cartridge. There are many types of cartridges available in market so choosing one is always tricky. Availability of many flavors also makes the whole thing more tempting. However, quality should always be the prime concern for smokers, as ‘vaping’ anything other than nicotine make E-Cig worst than normal cigarette. Also inferior quality cartridges are known to have problems of leaking, which is not only waste of money but also messy.